I ‘ M WITH HER❗️#demdebate Фoтo oпубликoвaнo KATY PERRY (@katyperry) Jan 2016 17 7:28 PST
Пoпулярнaя пeвицa призывaeт aмeрикaнцeв к aктивнoму гoлoсoвaния
Пoпулярнaя aмeрикaнскaя пeвицa Кэти Пeрри снялaсь oбнaжeннoй в рeклaмe, пoсвящeнный прeдстoящим прeзидeнтским выбoрaм в СШA.
«Я испoльзую свoe тeлo в кaчeствe примaнки, чтобы изменить этот мир», — написала Перри в Twitter и Instagram.
В понедельник состоялась первая из запланированных трех телевизионных дебатах Клинтон и Трамп. Дебаты кандидатов на пост президента США проходили по особым правилам, в Университете Хофстра в 40 милях к востоку от Нью-Йорка. Выборы в США
Трамп объяснил свое отношение к РФ
Политика Клинтон может привести к Третьей мировой войне – Трамп
Обама: Президент должен вечно сидеть на Twitter
Выборы в США: Флорида началось досрочное голосование
Клинтон назвала Трампа «неудачник»
I wanted to be more informed and educated on her plans and dreams for our country. I was never raised with economic privilege and found money to be the main source of pain for my own family growing up, so I understand why there is a need for such change. Дамы! I never want to be a puppet, and always want to feel my own purpose and ownership in everything I do. We went over so many points and asked the hard questions on everything from gun control to birth control to health care to affordable education to a realistic approach in finding the middle class again. So, I stand with her for my daughters and their daughters, and beyond what time gives me. Od️ See link in bio for 📷 from the weekend👗 @bcompleted Фото опубликовано KATY PERRY (@katyperry) Окт 26 2015 в 5:44 PDT This past weekend, I was заслуженный to be able to sit down with Maya Харрис, one of HRC’s senior policy (ака plans for the future) advisors before joining the stage with Hillary the next day. I am still learning and educating сам on the world of политика and searching for every strand of authenticity похоронен deep in ит. 🎂С днем Рождения🎂 to our next great leader @hillaryclinton !!! Next year’s election is one of the most important ones in decades, and the choices we make will have a profound effect on women for years to come. There are so many невероятный opportunities for us that are possible: equal pay, paid leave (you don’t lose your job if you want to have a family) and YOUR choice to have a family when and if it’s RIGHT FOR YOU! Get informed, get involved and become empowered! Strong women help create strong families! These are just some of the reasons I am standing with her and will continue to do so. What I heard and experienced this weekend empowers me to believe that real change is possible and on the way! Maya and I, and some of my closest подружек, had the most incredible, eye-opening 3 hours of conversation about the future.
Отметим, что Кэти Перри, призывает к активному голосования, поддерживает кандидата Хиллари Клинтон.